Earlier this Summer, our friends at Newport Network Solutions asked if we’d be interested in taking 12 HP and NetApp server racks in nearly brand new condition off their hands. The racks would have cost from $1,499 to $2,499 new and were in excellent condition.
Having worked with schools and non-profits for over 10 years, we know how tough it can be to juggle IT priorities and stay on top of budgets, and so we decided to take them and donate them to local schools.
We had a fantastic response to our offer from the schools and all the server racks have now gone to loving homes 🙂

Server racks:
- 42U height
- Current models
- Standard square hole design
- Side panels included
- Designed for server rooms or data centers
If you’re a non-profit or school and would like to be informed the next time we have a similar offer, just get in touch, and we’ll add you to the list.